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SWO | Work

SWO | Work

On Trump & Misogyny

I had to address how Trump has been saying horrible things throughout his campaign and throughout his career as a public figure. There are no bystanders free from responsibility. Register to vote before time runs out! Let me know…

SWO | Work


This past weekend, I went down from Harlem to North Philly to see the Dr. Seuss themed #TheSaddestStoryOnRepeat series from The SuperPoor Kids. SPK is an art collective based out of Camden, NJ. Brothers Lu and Jay Reyes debuted the series…

Essays SWO | Work

I Don’t Want My Friends To Die

I don’t want my friends to die. I don’t want to wake up and see a name I know memorialized with a hashtag. I don’t want to see a video of my friend getting executed. I don’t want to…

SWO | Work

Recap: Fairfield University

The other week I visited Fairfield University as a part of the Black Studies Program and the Black Lives Matter course, specifically. This is the first semester the course is being offered, and it’s absolutely critical that these issues…

SWO | Work

Recap: SWOsleepout Philly

  On March 18, 2016, I slept outside to bring attention to the youth homelessness problem in the city of Philadelphia and to raise money for an organization actually making a difference every day. No kid should be worried…

SWO | Work

Sleep Out: So They Don’t Have To

I have a challenge for you. I challenge you to imagine having to worry about when your next meal is and where you are going to sleep at night. This is a daily challenge for too many kids. But…